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Discover your meaningful worklife

Our collection of learning experiences helps you see yourself and your work in a new light, fostering insights and offering guidance that help inspire positive changes. 

Featured services

Meaningful Work Inventory

The Meaningful Work Inventory is a self-awareness experience driven by you, for you. It will prompt you to reflect on your current work experience with a series of statements. Each of them focuses on an aspect of work that is either lifting you up or dragging you down.  


Your responses to the statements in the Inventory produce a personal, comprehensive report revealing your Personal Meaning Profile organized by the seven dimensions of meaningful work. Using your profile in the report enhanced with short videos and practical exercises, you’ll have what you need to take stock of what lifts you up and drags you down, fueling new insights to inspire changes to your workday, big or small, for the better.  

Less than ten minutes of reflection could be the start of a brighter future.  


I think what is inspiring about the Inventory is the statements themselves, as it really makes you reflect on your feelings towards your work and experience rather than standard work statements. It really makes you put things into perspective of how you feel about your job, the company, the industry – especially the questions about the impact you feel you make. 

The Meaningful Work Inventory was incredibly helpful. It showed me where I stand in relation to others, and the videos helped me understand what the results meant to me. The experience opened my eyes to how I can make my workday more enjoyable. 



They guide, but you lead the way.

Trained to help you make the most of your MeaningSphere experience, our Guides are people from different walks of life who've had success in, and are passionate about, navigating the world of work. By listening carefully to you, they'll help you shape your answer to the big question: "What is meaningful work for me?"  

Your work with a Guide begins once you’ve taken the Meaningful Work Inventory.  Your personal report serves as the foundation for the conversation centered on what motivates you and what could be holding you back. Together, you’ll explore actionable steps you can take to discover more meaning in your work.  


You’ll walk away with an action plan feeling re-energized and empowered to put what you learned to work.  


Meaning Circle®

Sometimes the straightest path to where you need to go is a Circle.

A Meaning Circle is a unique small-group experience where you’ll listen – and be listened to – without opinions or judgment. It’s a thoughtful exchange of different perspectives on what might make your work life more meaningful.

A Rewarding Way To Invest In You

Participating is a simple and easy way to begin a practice of regular self-reflection and discovery. It’s also a rare opportunity to press pause in your day and connect with others in a shared, meaning-seeking experience.

Meaning Circles are about 60 minutes long, and are currently complimentary to attend.


Register for an upcoming Meaning Circle below

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Please check back soon.


I felt understood and valued to be listened to so carefully. I mean, just being able to talk about what's lifting me up and what's dragging me down at work was so refreshing.

It was nice to know that other people have similar experiences at work; I was not alone.

I think hearing others share caused me to look at my own experiences and find similarities and differences that illuminated something I had overlooked (maybe deliberately). It was a big surprise to me that listening to others helps them and me at the same time.

Coming Soon

The MeaningSphere Mirror®

The best place to look for meaning is in the Mirror.

The MeaningSphere Mirror is an online journal that prompts you to briefly reflect on an event in your work day. Over time you'll gain insight into what made that event meaningful (or not), and identify patterns to reveal potential changes you can make.

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